(Baltimore, MD) – When I started this blog it grew out of
the abundance of material I was collecting, and writing about on Maryland. This
year as I have done on Charles Black Politics Blog I’ve chronicled the stories
which reached the top ten. I want to thank many of my State House colleagues
who have done a lot of the first person reporting on stories around the
state. I am sad that a number of my
colleagues who have institutional memory are no longer here, others are now
writing for larger media groups, and the new crop of reporters who ventured
into “the Pit” provided the spunk we need to up our reporting skills. So let’s
get started.
10. The Schism in Maryland GOP. The GOP in the state is
desperately looking for new leadership. Robert Erhlich has given up the mantle
as a political juggernaut (but everyone wants his endorsement) and taken to
writing opinion. So you can imagine my surprise when the county GOP Central
Party was removed from the decision to replace a council member on the Cecil
County Council. Instead the state party was chosen to make the selection.
It’s pissed off two high powered GOP members Rep. Andy Harris and State Senator
E.J Pipken. Also there was an insurgent campaign to remove Alex Money as thestate chair of the GOP. Stay tuned.
8. Ethical Reform. Political office holders need to think twice about using their offices for financial or political advantage. Heed the lessons of several of your colleagues, Sen. Ulysses S. Currie, Del. Tiffany Alston, and Del. Don Dwyer. FYI, if you believe you can keep your position until you are sentenced, a change in the law says you will be removed.
Del. Neil C. Parrott |
6. Special Sessions. I must admit I’ve been through 7
Special Sessions since I began at MPT. Some are done to address urgent matters.
Others have been concocted to address
issues which are man/women made. The latest
revolved around gambling in the state.
The legislature meets for 90 days and it appears this is not enough time
to get things done.
5. Leadership at HBCU’s. There is nothing worse than poor
leadership. The last place you need ineptitude is at the state’s leading
institutions for educating African-Americans. It began with the removal of
Coppin State University’s President. The Board of Regents at Morgan State University (in a close vote) decided to remove the President then reversed
itself. Lastly, the President of Baltimore City Community College was removed
after losing nearly 2000 students and is in jeopardy of losing its accreditation.
This is a bad sign.
4. Gambling Interest. We knew that lobbying by those interested
in bringing expanded gaming to the state was active. Who knew they would be the
driver of political ads in the state during a Presidential race. Everyone else
sat on the sidelines. The amount of money spent dwarfed the amount spent on a
governor’s race.
3. Maryland Leaders in Congress Get Juiced. Maryland Rep.
Steny Hoyer is waiting to see if Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California is ready to relinquish
control. Congressman Elijah Cummings is poised to become a Chairman of a
committee. The biggest change in 2013 is Sen. Barbara Mikulski will become the
chair of the Appropriations Committee one the most powerful committees in the
senate. She will have the power to decide what gets funded.
2. Waiting in the Wings. There will be a lot of posturing in
the New Year with a trio of Maryland Politicians who are poised to replace the
governor. Here’s what we know today. On the Democratic side expect Attorney
General Douglas Gansler to via for the top spot; Ken Ullman, Howard County
Executive, is looking for an upgrade and Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown will
likely throw his hat in the ring. On the Republican side there is Harford
County Executive David Craig, Anne Arundel County Executive John Leopold, and
Brian Murphy who challenged Robert Erhlich.
1. Governor Martin O’Malley. 2012 was a very good year for
the Governor. He backed a pair of ballot initiatives that won (Same Sex
Marriage and the Dream Act). He was the chair of the Governor’s Association,
which allowed him to address the GOP directly. He also made a major speech to
the DNC. He has made no secret he will seek higher officer i.e. The Presidency,
and yes, he has an exploratory committee called “Oh Say Can You See…”