The heavy weight event
however, was the Democratic Primary Debate where my colleague Jeff Salkin
moderated a Town Hall style format of undecided voters. These were people
picked by the League of Women Voters who have been MPT Partners for some time. The
group skewed older and white but, there was a smattering of color in the group.
There is always a
delicate balance of MPT management coordinating an event like this with nothing
left to chance. We learned this the hard way several years ago during a U.S.
Senate Debate when Professor Alan Litchman, an uninvited participant, was
removed from the building because he wanted to join the debate. This year a fringe candidate (Cindy Walsh) made an attempt to get into the studio. She was
promptly escorted from the premises.

Blows But Nothing Fatal
I know in my mind the
ability to get candidates off script is the key. The audience wants to see
something of a heavy weight fight but, for all intents and purpose this is
about the future of the state. The platforms and talking points have been
“I am the most
experienced candidate in the field having served as Lieutenant Governor... and I'm an Iraq war veteran,” says Candidate Anthony Brown. “I’m not running for the
job as Governor. I want to do the job as Governor,” an often repeated sound
bite from Candidate Heather Mizeur. According to Doug Gansler, “people are tired
of labels (Democrat or Republican),” trying to improve his standing with
independents and disaffected members of GOP.
In the primary it is
about the base and getting them to the polls. It’s also about raising cash and
the Brown/Ulman ticket has produced a wind fall in this area(in a short period). During
the home stretch it comes down to buying TV time in the Baltimore or DC markets.
Spend too early, and you can’t react to last minute attacks. Not enough money
and you are essentially a bystander.

All the staffs conduct
mock debates with stand-ins to coach nuanced answers to complicated questions.
For Brown he continues to be dogged about the failed roll out of Maryland’s
Healthcare Exchange. Gansler’s albatross is a pair of issues; how can you
provide tax relief and his opposition to Pre-K expansion. Mizeur’s suggestion
of using taxes from the sale of marijuana to fund much needed programs seems either
utopian (without seeing its potential consequences) or amateur night politics.
This continues be a race
for Brown to lose, and the opponents are looking for any opening to provide
doubt. This is immediately pounced on by a question from the audience about the
rollout of Maryland’s Exchange. Brown is asked to explain why the state is
going with a Connecticut system? Candidate Brown has rehearsed this answer. He
steps from the seated stool and moves towards the audience. He acknowledges the
website rollout was a failure however he assures the questioner while looking
at the camera that they signed up a record number of Medicare recipients. He’s
forceful. Sun Critic, David Zurwick observed Brown seem to be playing to the
camera rather than connecting directly to the questioner (semantics).
Gansler who is asked the
same question rebuts the answer suggesting we should go with the federal system
which has a lot of success despite its shaky roll out. He then narrows-in on
the Browns participation and handling of the rollout. This he hopes will make
voters think about Browns leadership.
Mizeur also jumps in on
the failed rollout. She was a former Healthcare Lobbyist so her answers are
less wonkish but, seem to pile on the perception of, “leadership failure.”
In a follow-up by Moderator
Salkin, he quotes an editorial by the Baltimore Sun. It asks what role the
Lieutenant Governor played in the failed rollout of the website. Salkin asks
him to rate it on a scale of 1 -10. By time he finished answering, even I was
confused. He claims he was in charge of the wrong committee. The committee overseeing the roll of the
website wasn’t under his control? But we fixed it. Duh. Here’s what I said on
Twitter, “Brown asked what role he had in health exchange? Is vague w/answer.
Won't give number on how involved he was on a 1-10 scale.”
Zurwick siezes on this stumble as a not ready for prime-time television. As I see it, if you admit it was a failure (which he has), what lesson did he learn from this and how will this impact him if he is the Govenor.
Zurwick siezes on this stumble as a not ready for prime-time television. As I see it, if you admit it was a failure (which he has), what lesson did he learn from this and how will this impact him if he is the Govenor.
When it came to taxes,
Gansler wants to cut them for small business by closing a corporate tax loop
hole. Poplar however gives few details. Brown’s answer is nuanced. He’d like to look at cutting taxes. Admits he was not a
fan of the Governor’s position to reduce Estate Taxes (sometimes referred
to as Death Taxes). Brown didn’t like that it was carved out for a small group,
mostly millionaires. Mizeur, sees the legalization of marijuana as the panacea.
He’s I how described this exchange on Twitter, “Are taxes 2 high n MD? A lot of
I want to do this & I'm going to…can we be competitive w/VA.”
Yes, the candidates hit
on areas of the environment, housing, and job creation. While important this is
dialogue which can’t go on forever. Debates allow us to reinforce our image of a selected candidate, it can also raise doubts about our choices. These aren’t
neatly crafted one minute vignettes with soothing/ominous music in the
background. These are adults asking for your vote. A debate is never the last
word but, the beginning of a conversation that each of us has when we step into a
voting booth to decide who and how we be led for the next four years.