Thursday, February 15, 2018

Shifting Politics: DC Suburbs

Annapolis, MD - The center of Maryland Politics has been shifting for years. The DC suburbs of Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties want to flex their muscles. Its tough but the numbers of voters bear out that the pair of counties which trend Democratic want a say. It's also one of the most diverse portions of the state with large minorities of African-Americans, Latino's, Muslim, and Asian communities. The former power structure still wants a say on who can lead and who should be chosen. Some voters are having any of it. Its pitting the old guard against a group of upstarts which keep asking/telling anyone, "its my turn."
Who better to ask about this other than Bruce DePuyt of Maryland Matters ( The new website has a cagey bunch of veterans including founder Josh Kurtz (formerly of the Maryland Gazette), Bill Zorzi (formerly of the Baltimore Sun).

In this edition of Live from the Pit we talk about the emergence of the DC suburbs. We also delve into the hotly contested races for County Executive in both jurisdictions. If you're fan please follow and don't be afraid to suggest guest.

Friday, February 9, 2018

The Politics of Crime

Annapolis - "Three strikes and you're out" was not a baseball game for those caught in the crack epidemic of the 80's. The get tough measures of the war on drugs left many who came back to the same communities with little to no chance to be reincorporated back into society. An arrest record was a second prison sentence to meaningful employment. That was the 80's and now is 2018.

The get tough on crime lobby and the Hogan Administration has targeted repeat violent offenders. I'm not against having those who maim and murder citizens from being given tougher sentences. I know from covering crime that what one person does when they are younger they aren't likely to do when they reach a certain age. Cue the "OG" anthem.

Balance is more appropriate. We went through this. Dayvon Love, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, has been listening we talk about the how and why in this edition of "Live from the Pit." 

Now for a shameless plug. On Saturday, February 24, 2018 11 am, I will be hosting a screening of Black Panther, at the Hoyt's Nursery Road Theaters in Linthicum, MD. Its located at 1591 Nursery Road. The price is $15. I will have special guest who will join me afterwards for a unique Q and A. There will a light reception at Ruby Tuesdays following the movie.
 You can go this Panther Evite or pay on site.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Gauging the Democratic Gubernatorial Field in Maryland

Towson, MD - Live from the Pit, hit the road. On site at the Goucher College for the Young Voters Forum featuring the Democratic candidates who want to replace current Governor Larry Hogan (R). It's clear from Mileah Kromer, the Polling Director, for the Sarah T. Hughes Politics Center, Governor Hogan is popular (62%). The interesting part of her polling, should he continue as Governor drops to just under 50%. Why? She hopes to dig down on this issue in her next poll.

The Forum

So if you noticed from the picture, Rushern Baker, Prince Georges County Executive is not on the stage. Baker remains the front runner among most of the field. Each one of the candidates vying to lead the Democratic nominee has qualities you may like, conversely there are a number of challenges for each of these individuals. Let me suggest there is a lot of opposition research on each of them by the Hogan administration (not unusual). 

"Despite what you've heard we aren't only interested in legalization of marijuana," according to Ashely Alyward, a Goucher College student. It gets a giggle from the audience. As the candidates are peppered with questions, you realize there is more to this age group. There were solid questions about providing tax breaks for Amazon; the issue of day #MeToo was addressed; holding police accountable for wrongdoing; and student debt/college affordable. The answers were enlightening. This is still a strange feeling on the stage. In our current environment, having no experience seems to an asset. Those with experience must tread lightly. I still point to the visual, seven people on the stage looking for one take on a popular governor.

Looking at trends in recent elections this would appear to be a good year for Democrats...maybe?

Take a listen to Live from the Pit with Mileah Kromer.