Wishful thinking or shrewd strategy? Looking back at the
Jealous and Gov. Larry Hogan campaigns they had different goals. For Governor
Hogan, it was about not expending more cash or energy than necessary, limit
debate opportunities, play to strengths, and have a closing argument which
could have coattails.
For Jealous it was about nationalizing the race,
maximizing voter turnout in the democratic strongholds and paint the governor
as an extremist.
Each man used different methods to reach their goals, but
there can only be one winner.
Governor Hogan had to expend little energy during the
Republican primary. He ran ads touting his accomplishments and laying the
foundation for a second term. The Governor thought his Democratic challenger
would be Prince Georges County Executive Rushern Baker. Baker was the choice of
the establishment Democratic Party in the state. The Prince George’s County
candidates name recognition was limited to the Washington suburbs, so he spent
an inordinate time in the Baltimore metro area. What he was unprepared for was
the Jealous’ ground game. Jealous also defined himself via TV ads. The Republican Governors Association wasted no time airing ads right after his nomination in
the general election. Jealous had no money left to counter being defined as
“extreme and a socialist.”
What Larry Hogan Got Right
Governor Hogan’s rise to the top came at time when
Maryland voters were tired of democratic control of state. The political novice
was and is shrewd. In a two to one democratic state Hogan knew using a national
Republican playbook was not going to work. While surrounding states (Virginia,
New Jersey, West Virginia and Pennsylvania) had trended to the GOP, he knew it
wasn’t going to work. Instead his idea was to appeal to the “every-man” idea.
What I am talking about is Hogan was the kind of guy who you might have a beer
with in a bar. I like to call him, the “Aw shucks Governor.” He also rejected
Republican touchstone issues (abortion, school choice etc…) to prove it, he
bucked the national party and only embrace New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s
model. Governor Christie’s tactic of lowering taxes, ending bureaucracy, and
becoming business friendly. The catch phrase of his first campaign was “ending
the rain tax.” A populist move that few could disagree with.
Once in office he found his perfect foil, the Maryland
Legislature. With super majorities he could run against them calling them
obstructionist. But what put Hogan over the top, was sympathy he received after
being diagnosed with cancer. Despite being in the hospital receiving
chemotherapy Hogan spent hours doing work from his hospital bed. This lead to a
nearly 60 percent approval rating in a “blue state.”
He also found an issue which crossed party lines, the
opioid crisis. Look, heroin addiction has been in Maryland since the 1920’s. It
was confined to inner city Baltimore. Hundreds were hooked on the drug and help
fuel a crime wave to feed a habit from the 60’s through the 70’s.
When the drug came to the suburbs in the 80’s and 90’s killing
white kids and adults it was serious for this politician. It was a dirty little
secret no was paying attention to and wasn’t just affecting major population
areas but was an epidemic in places like Cumberland, Hagerstown, and Frederick,
Washington, Carroll, Cecil and Queen Anne’s Counties. These jurisdictions saw
people turn to the heroin because they were unable to keep up with their
OxyContin dependencies. I was initially suspect. It changed when Governor Hogan,
said he was personally affected when a cousin overdosed after years of
Under the radar Governor Hogan through his Lieutenant
Governor Boyd Rutherford cultivated something the Maryland Democratic Party
never embraced, Black Business. Despite years of “lip service,” minority set
asides had gone from hard targets to simply goals. The whole idea of the state
having minority vendors had become a mess. This entrepreneurial class has
embraced anyone who would listen to their plight and actually make a
difference. Enter the Maryland GOP. The governor’s embrace of a “business first
mentality” was perfect for this group. African-American entrepreneurs are
lukewarm to embrace the party’s social policies, but they are “all in” on
getting a seat at the table. They ended up having this group to themselves.
So why are 30 percent of African-American voters drawn to
Governor Hogan? This group was half this size in his first run. They are collection
of voters who are discussed at the idea "Democrats have Black people’s interest
at heart." You saw this at the end of the O’Malley administration, when the idea
of locking people up (mostly African-Americans) for nuisance crimes was policy
in Baltimore. Add to this disinvestment in communities of color. The “Baltimore
Uprising” was literally the last straw and how former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings Blake was nowhere to be found during at its height. They may have
whispered their support in the past, but now you see it. The Leaders of a
Beautiful Struggle sided with Hogan in his first run. The closing political ad
featuring Bmore News founder, Doni Glover, saying “Governor Hogan showed up and
it wasn’t his first time.” The ad laid bare and full view of an
anti-establishment critic endorsement.
Shhh, Ben Jealous is Running for Maryland Governor.
In a crowded primary field Ben Jealous was the perfect
“I’m not a politician candidate.” The problem is this type of candidacy would
have worked four years ago, but was an anathema in an era which gave us
President Donald Trump. Was he qualified? His turnaround of the national office
of the NAACP was laudable, but no one had ever voted for him for anything. It
is true all politics are local.
So a surrogate for Presidential candidate Bernie Saunders
national campaign saw a clear path to victory by nationalizing a gubernatorial
race and its disgust with Washington, DC. It worked in the primary enabling
Jealous to raise money outside the state. This allowed him to be the first up with
television with ads, allowing him to define himself.
What Maryland politicians saw and understood from this,
“he didn’t need them.” Great for an insurgent campaign but not for coalescing
the state’s power brokers to embrace your run. Its manifestation came in what can be best
described as “non-endorsements.” Hogan trotted out a number of former
Democratic leaders to endorse his campaign (most were people who were beyond
their expiration date). You know it’s telling when the states Comptroller Peter
Franchot says, he “will not endorse you, but not campaign against you.” (What
the hell?).
Even more telling after the primary, Prince George’s
County Executive Rushern Baker delays embracing your campaign and Montgomery
County Executive Ike Leggit questions your platform of “Medicaid for All.” Leggit asks, "How will pay for it? Stop. These are
two leading African-American leaders in the state (Baltimore Mayor Catherine
Pugh is the other) and they are already questioning your policies in the state
(In my ESPN voice “C’mon Man!).
Race is a delicate issue. Some politicians use it to
their advantage, others discount it and lay claim to being the best candidate
in the race. Jealous is a product of a bi-racial marriage. His parents were
forced to move to California where he grew up but spent his summers in Baltimore
with his grandparents (Hogan suggested he didn’t live in the state but he
does).His time at the NAACP has gave him a close up look at the "mean and nasty" regarding race. Nowhere did he ever embrace the notion of being the first
African-American governor of the state of Maryland and what it would mean. It
was understood internally it would turn off white voters embracing his
Crying you’re "being treated unfairly" is not a political
strategy. The Jealous organization to counter being out spent tried to go
around the ads defining him to the public. News organizations love an underdog
story. So we often want to hear your
thoughts about scurrilous claims. On August 8, 2018, Washington Post Political
Reporter Erin Cox asked Jealous “Whether he identified with the term
“socialist,” as his political opponent, Gov. Larry Hogan (R), has labeled him.
‘Are you f---ing kidding me?,’ Jealous responded.” This was an endorsement event, and
left those in attendance with mouths open.
Look these are challenges a traditional campaign would
have thought through. This is big boy politics where your narrative is key and
people have to see themselves in you. During this campaign I did not see an air
of “desperation.” Politicians who I’ve seen be successful have this sense they
are losing and must talk to everyone who will listen. Those who won’t listen to
you still reach out them because you can believe you can persuade them. If you
don’t persuade them they must come away with an idea that you are competent.
The Debates
Fast forward to the debate/s. My office Maryland Public
Television MPT has a stellar reputation as being the host for statewide
debates. I was fortunate to be selected to be a part of the Democrat Primary
debate at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum. During this session I got candidate
Jealous to admit how he was going to pay for “Free College Tuition.” “I’m going
to tax the highest ten percent tax payers in the state.”
As we awaited word on the General Election debate
Governor Hogan announced he would do two debates in September. Jealous
countered with having five in October. In the end we were left with just one
debate at MPT on September 24, 2018. The planning for the debate was
coordinated by the two campaigns (sitting or standing, how close the podiums
will be, opening/closing statements). It was agreed there would be five
panelist. Both camps were given a single veto over who could be a questioner.
This is where things get tricky. Both camps were concerned about previous
questioners in the primary (including yours truly, Jane Miller – WBAL-TV, and
Clarence Mitchell IV WBAL Radio). We were out. It was agreed to have two the
leading newspapers in the state participate but the Hogan camp insisted that
there be a reporter from the Eastern Shore and Western Maryland. Earlier during
the campaign it didn’t help that Jealous had to retract several debate
He suggested that Tamela Baker of the Herald-Mail in Hagerstown should be remove. He ended up retracting the idea. Not a good look. He also suggested Maryland Reporter.com was a right-wing website. Hmmm! That’s a stretch.
He suggested that Tamela Baker of the Herald-Mail in Hagerstown should be remove. He ended up retracting the idea. Not a good look. He also suggested Maryland Reporter.com was a right-wing website. Hmmm! That’s a stretch.
So where do we go from here? My quick assessment is this
will be the last time Democrats in Maryland nominate a Black candidate. The failure
to deliver in two elections cycles is telling. I don’t think this will be the
right choice but it will send the message.
Lastly, for the next four years the GOP will expand the
landscape in Maryland. Here’s the rub, "who is waiting in the wings."